Mar 27, 2011

Guess who came to dinner?

After a weekend in Veraguas I arrived back in Boquete with lots of housekeeping left to do.   My venturing out on the back deck to get laundry started, though, lead a concerned neighbor to call out a cautionary "Watch out!"  He pointed to one of the poles supporting my deck roof.    This is what greeted my curious gaze: 


Apparently while I was away, a colony of black wasps came to play.  Called the fire department, because that's who takes care of these infestations in Boquete.  They came and managed to chase off [assasinate] most of the unwanted guests, but this evening all the stragglers returned and I now have a smaller colony nested for the night.  Called once more, but no one came.  Will need to try again tomorrow, I suppose.