Dec 5, 2011

Owner of The Bookmark Passes On

Some time ago, I wrote about Hal de Mun and his store, The Bookmark, in Dolega.  Although my initial encounter with Hal was a little jagged,  I enjoyed the store and later ran across his blog, which was well written, sharp-witted and entertaining.  I became a regular reader and follower. 

An announcement was sent out that he passed away on Dec. 3rd at the regional hospital in David.  Cause of death is not known, but he had been battling colon cancer since 2004 and was found unresponsive  sometime following a dialysis session.   

I was very sad to hear of Hal's passing, as are many people in the expat community in Chiriqui.  Reading his blog posts often brought me back to my San Francisco roots and gave me reassurance that there actually are others in this community who share my outlook re: many things.  His wit and candor will be sorely missed.