Mar 29, 2012

Artist Exhibition and Auction

You are  invited to an exhibition of paintings by noted local artist,  Marjorie Freiburghaus, being held April 4th through April 7th,  at the chapel and adjacent locales in Valle Escondido,  from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm.


Ms. Freiburghaus has exhibited in multiple galleries in Panama City where she’s frequently commissioned  for private pieces.  She’s gaining popularity in Boquete, as well,  for her colorful abstract, scenic, and folk depictions. 


This event is a benefit to raise funds for oncology treatment.  Nineteen works will be displayed and available for purchase.   On the final day of the event, there will be an auction for any remaining pieces,  between 4 pm and 6 pm.


For additional information call:  720-2454 (Valle Escondido) or you can email me at