I posted photos of my Panamanian neighborhood
on a previous blog, and really wanted to transfer that post over. But I didn't
save the photos, and trying to add a copy of the photos from a copy of the post
isn't working for some odd reason. One of these days I'll do another walk about
and update my prior post with new photos. Some of the houses I photographed six
months ago have undergone new ownership and significant changes in appearance,
I did want to mention a neighbor just 2-3 doors
down, however. He's in the house next to the guitar player, and is busy
sculpting away at some stones recently dumped on the roadside near the edge of
his yard. Here are some of the projects he's working on...
The house itself is a virtual shack, but it's
made so much more picturesque by the art pieces just sitting around for passers
by to enjoy. It's been a lot of fun watching these figures evolve out of the
raw stones originally placed there. I've spoken to him a few times about
selling the pieces. He may eventually do so, but isn't so motivated at the
present time. Their market value is out of my price range, in any event.
Probably still a bargain by stateside prices... Ah well, for now, I can enjoy
them for free as they just sit out there unfenced, unguarded, unprotected and